What is Modern Campus CMS?

Modern Campus CMS is the content management system (CMS) you will use to edit the PCC的网站

Modern Campus CMS is a product of Modern Campus and is a web content management system (CMS) for colleges, universities, and other higher education institutions. CMS是 basically a way for a person with little or no coding knowledge to manage and up日期 their website from a “friendly” interface.

PCC’s new website was built on the Modern Campus CMS and provides us with an easy way to manage web pages. As a Content Contributor, you will use Modern Campus CMS to edit the pages of your website. With the ability to log in directly from the PCC website, it's easy edit any page you have access to – directly from your browser. Once logged in, you just click on an editable region and you are placed into a user-friendly What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) Editor within the same page you started from.

Modern Campus CMS also features an approval process which can be configured to create a workflow wherein pages up日期d by Content Contributors are sent to other users or to Approvers who can approve or send back content for revision prior to publication to the live website. This will help us make sure that the website stays consistent, accurate and up to 日期.

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